Instructions for folks to tweet-up:
In honor of the 10th Anniversary of the Ride Of Silence, we are encouraging a World Ride of Silence Twitter tweet-up.
Every local RoS will checks-in on the hour at the start of their ride or at a set time in their respective time zone.
Objective: At the start of every hour around the world, for 24 hours, RoS riders tweet-in for the cause using hashtag #RideOfSilence2012 at the start of their ride.
The result: We could trend the cause into a world record and trend social media like no one will have ever done before!
On another subject:
Why, why are Europeans not joining the rest of the world for the Ride Of Silence? It makes no sense. England? France? Portugal? Spain? Germany? Italy? Eastern European countries? Why? What is needed? What do we need to do? Contact us. Talk to us. Talk to someone. This is about solidarity, all of us, together, making a statement around the global, in your particular neighborhood. Tell us, show us what you need to join the rest of the world on May 16th, 7 pm, your time. Please. Help us help you. Not just your country, but the world wants you.
Join us, May 16, 7 pm
The 2011 Ride Of Silence:
322 locations world wide
24 Countries
7 continents
0 words spoken
A million powerful memories.