APRIL 29, 2010
LAB Comments on Distracted Driving
U.S.DOT notice of proposed rulemaking
LAB would like to take this opportunity to inform you that the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), has issued a
notice of proposed rulemaking Limiting the Use of Wireless Communication Devices. Comment period concludes on May 3, 2010 – LAB
League of American Bicyclists Comments to FMCSA
The League of American Bicyclists is pleased to have the opportunity to comment on the
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) notice of proposed rulemaking
to limit the use of wireless communication devices.
Safe, responsible driving requires concentration. While there have always been many
distractions on the road, technology and hundreds of new gadgets have given drivers
many more distractions. The proliferations of technologies designed for and available to
drivers have currently overtaken the ability of state and local laws to monitor and regulate
usage. Roads in the United States are getting more dangerous.
In 2008, there were 5.8 million crashes reported to the police, causing 2.3 million injuries
and nearly forty thousand deaths. The estimated annual cost, in adjusted 2010 dollars, of
all crashes is $296.8 billion.
We understand that FMCSA’s rulemaking will impose sanctions, including civil penalties
and disqualification from operating a commercial motor vehicle, including school buses.
We would strongly urge the FMCSA to consider that any revenue from distracted driving
fines should go to safety programs. The income from all fines for distracted driving
should be put toward awareness programs and marketing campaigns, street safety and
targeted traffic enforcement (assistance for police department to do explicit traffic stops
and ticketing for distracted driving). These efforts should emphasize safety for all road
users, including the most vulnerable, such as children, cyclists and pedestrians.
Furthermore, fines in school zones, or from school bus driver infractions should be
doubled, and the money should go to a School Zone Safety Fund to support Safe Routes
to Schools and infrastructure upgrades to increase safety for children. Several states have
passed similar laws to send fines from school zone infractions to such a fund.
Thanks again for the opportunity to comment on this very important issue. – LAB

As of today(8:30 am, April 22, 2010) , a month away from the big ride on May 19, there are still 13 U.S. states that do not have a Ride Of Silence ride. How is that possible? How can we help to get a no cost ride of three people for 8 miles to take place on May 19 this year? How?
We, at the Ride Of Silence, know for a fact that the media checks out our web site to see which locations are hosting rides. Even though those three people that ride together in South Dakota don't think they are making a difference, IF they list there ride with us on the web site, they are being seen. The strength of this ride and it's fallout, is numbers: number of total riders and number of rides.
I was a guest at the Bike Summit in Michigan on March 27, 2010, hosted by the League of Michigan Bikers (LMB). Michigan has the largest number of sites of ANY state (24 currently, I believe). It made sense to fly up there. (I live in Dallas, TX, where even though we have good weather comparatively, it's the home of Lance Armstrong, and it's where the Ride Of Silence orginated, there are ONLY 9 sites over this vast state!). Besides, there were two board members I've never met face to face who live there.
(I'm hoping to travel next year to OTHER bike summits to preach the good word about The Ride Of Silence. I'd love to be able to make it to all 50 states and each country, too. Please, let us know if you're bike organization is interested and let us know!)
I was struck by how on fire these people are for two-wheeled recreation, transportation, and advocacy. Why doesn't that transfer, I wonder. Some places, you would think, would jump on the chance to be part of the only world wide event. And yet, they don't. Do they not get it? Do they not see what the rest of us see?
China is an example. This year the government for that country has decided to fully back the Ride Of Silence. There factories are in production printing up bumper stickers and arm bands, and are giving the R of S free advertizing. Gee, locally, I'd just be happy with the Mayor of Dallas getting behind it.
To some we, as cyclists, are a nuisance. To some, an after thought. And to those who will take part in riding together with me and the rest of the world, we get it. We understand how much of a difference bikes on the road can mean on many different levels. We understand that the more cyclists that participate on this day, the less we can be ignored, the louder our collective voice can be, and the more friendlier our roads will be in the future.
Please join us on May 19, 7 pm, for a free, short memorial ride. Won't you, please?
Below is a letter of encouragement in three languages from Board Member Mark Hagar. Please pass it on to those who'd like to ride with. Mark and other board members can help you get your ride going. Contact them if you have any questions.
Thank you.
Chris Phelan, Founder
The Ride Of Silence
http://www.rideofsilence.org/Wednesday, May 19, 2010, 7 PM
One day. One time. World Wide.
Let the silence roar.
Hello past & present Ride of Silence organizers,We are now a month away from this year’s Ride. We’ve over 180 locations listed worldwide, with many new locations listed this year.Hopefully you will continue the tradition started by our Founder Chris Phelan, and will again hold a Ride of Silence in your community.The Ride of Silence offers cyclists an opportunity to honor and mourn fellow cyclists killed or injured when enjoying an activity they love on public roadways, while trying to raise awareness of cyclists legal rights to the road, to community officials, the media and the general public. Please get your location listed as soon as possible, for the greatest visibility in your area.Thanks and I look forward to riding with you all globally on May 19th, or May 22nd in the southern hemisphere.If you need my support, do not hesitate to contact me,Sincerely,Mark
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Mark Hagar
"Silence Can Be Deafening
Join the Ride of Silence Cause on Facebook:
Bonjour Ride passé et présent des organisateurs de Silence,Nous sommes maintenant à un mois de Ride de cette année. Nous avons plus de 180 emplacements répertoriés dans le monde entier, avec de nombreux nouveaux sites répertoriés cette année.J'espère que vous continuerez la tradition instaurée par notre fondateur Chris Phelan, et tiendra à nouveau un tour de silence dans votre communauté.Le Ride of Silence offre cependant un honneur cyclistes chances et de deuil cyclistes collègues tués ou blessés lors bénéficiant d'une activité qu'ils aiment sur la voie publique, tout en essayant de sensibiliser les cyclistes droits légaux de la route, aux fonctionnaires communautaires, les médias et le grand public .S'il vous plaît obtenir votre adresse ci dès que possible, pour la plus grande visibilité dans votre région.Merci et je me réjouis à l'équitation avec vous tous le monde le 19 mai ou 22 mai dans l'hémisphère sud.
Cordialement,MarqueHola paseo pasado y presente de los organizadores de silencio,Ahora estamos a un mes de paseo de este año. Tenemos más de 180 localidades que se enlistan en todo el mundo, con muchos lugares nuevos que figuran este año.Esperamos que pueda continuar la tradición iniciada por nuestro fundador Chris Phelan, y de nuevo llevará a cabo una cabalgata de silencio en su comunidad.The Ride of Silence sin embargo ofrece a los ciclistas un honor oportunidad y llorar compañeros ciclistas muertos o heridos al disfrutar de una actividad que les gusta en la vía pública, al tratar de aumentar la conciencia de los ciclistas derechos legales a la carretera, a los funcionarios de la comunidad, los medios de comunicación y público en general .Por favor, obtener su localidad que aparece tan pronto como sea posible, para el mayor visibilidad en su área.Gracias y espero a montar con todos vosotros el mundo el 19 de mayo o 22 de mayo en el hemisferio sur.Atentamente,Marca